Soviet Songs

Dark is the Night - Soviet WW2 Song

Soviet Union edit, but its fits the beat perfectly (full version)

'Священная война' - Soviet Patriotic Song (The Sacred War)

[Eng CC] March of the Defenders of Moscow / Песня защитников Москвы [Soviet Military Song]

'Let's Go!' - Soviet Military March

Katyusha - Valeria Kurnushkina & Red army Orchestra

Vesyolye Rebyata - Cars (English subs) / Весёлые ребята - Автомобили (текст)

80s Soviet Synthpop Альянс - На заре (At dawn) USSR, 1987

victory anthem khushi#trending #shorts#victoryanthem#lashcarry#khushi #pose

Red Alert 3 Theme - Soviet March

What was soviet union? #ussr

“Goodbye Forever” - Russian Song

'Polyushko Polye' - Soviet cavalry song (RARE VERSION)

When we were at War (Когда мы были на войне) Russian Folk Song [Cossack version] [w/Eng subs]

U S S R 1 9 9 1 | Молчат Дома (Molchat Doma) - Судно (Sudno)

Take your trench coat- Soviet WW2 Song

10 RUSSIAN songs you've heard but don't know the name

Wondrous Future (Прекрасное далеко) | Soviet Song

Return of Soviet-Union | Soviet march 2019

В путь! - Let's Go!

Bij bolszewika! - (Polish Anti-Soviet Song)

'Ain't I Right' - American Anti-Communist Song

Russian Patriotic Song: Farewell of Slavianka

Boney M - Rasputin (Lyrics)